बुधवार, अक्टूबर 05, 2011

Mithilesh Avinash to direct “MAIDAN-E-JUNG”

Mithilesh Avinash has been signed to direct V.R. Gadoliya Film Production & Isha Harsh Film’s “MAIDAN-E-JUNG” to be produce by Virendar R. Jain & Rajsree Singh. It is written by Shubham Sagar, has music by Gunwant Sen, lyrics by Vinay Bihari & Ashok Sinha and cinematography by Jagminder Hundal. It stars, Rani Chatterjee, Avinash Shahi, Dheeraj Pandit, Vishnu Shankar “Velu”, Sameer Sheikh, Sudhakar Mishra, Lavanya, Vinod Gupt and others.

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