शुक्रवार, अक्टूबर 28, 2011

“MAIDAN-E-JUNG” Musically Launched

V.R. Gadoliya Film Production & Isha Harsh Film’s “MAIDAN-E-JUNG” was musically launched at Platinum Recording Studio, Goregaon (W) on 24 Oct., 2011, under the baton of music director Gunvant Sen. The film is being produced by Virendar R. Jain & Rajsree Singh and directed by Mithilesh Avinash. It is written by Mahesh Upadhyay, has lyrics by Vinay Bihari & Ashok Sinha, action by Heeralal Yadav and cinematography by Jagminder Hundal. It stars, Rani Chatterjee, Jay Yadav, Vinod Gope, Jitender Singh, Rajni Mehta, Robin Khan, Lavanya and Heeralal Yadav. Other cast & credits are being finalized very soon. The film will mount the sets in November, 2011.

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