सोमवार, नवंबर 28, 2011

Viraj Bhatt in “MAIDAN-E-JUNG”

Viraj Bhatt has been signed as lead role in Isha Harsh Film’s “MAIDAN-E-JUNG” The film is being produced by Kalpesh Vardhan Jain & Rajsree Singh and directed by Mithilesh Avinash. It has screenplay dialogue by Shubham Sagar. has music by Gunvant Sen, lyrics by Vinay Bihari & Ashok Sinha, action by Heeralal Yadav and cinematography by Jagminder Hundal. It has also co stars, Rajni Mehta, Babloo Yadav, Heera Yadav, Vinod Gope, and Subham sagar. The leading lady yet to be finalized.

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